All Courses

  • 2202-HIST-2314-001-HISTORY OF ENGLAND

    This course traces English history from King James II to Prime Minister Tony Blair. It chronicles the rise and decline of one of the "greatest" nations in world history. Topics to be covered include the taming of the monarchy, the aristocracy's golden age, the Three Revolutions (American, Industrial, and French), popular radicalism and demands for democracy, the British Empire and imperialism, women's rights and suffrage, World Wars I and II, the rise of the Welfare State, and the nation's modern-day continuing crisis and declining place in world affairs. Politics forms a framework for the course, but we also will take into account literature, culture, religion, science, and other areas of the English experience.


    The course is a survey of British constitutional law and legal history, from the Anglo-Saxon period until the present. Course materials will be discussed in rough chronological order, but with an emphasis on particular episodes and issues. We will consider certain topics in some depth, rather than many topics superficially. Our class will assess the role that law has played in English society--as well as its impact upon nations such as the United States, which is part of the English legal tradition. We will place emphasis on interpreting constitutional and legal materials such as statutes, debates, and judicial proceedings

  • 2202-MANA-4320-001-EMPLOYMENT LAW

    An introduction to employment law and labor relations for managers and human resource professionals. Topics include: the nature of the employment relationship, fair labor standards, workplace health and safety, collective bargaining, equal employment opportunity and unlawful discrimination, sexual harassment, and workplace privacy. Prerequisite: 60 credit hours.

  • 2205-MANA-3319-001-MGT PROCESS THEORY

    Fundamentals of the management process; principles and techniques for all organizations. The basic functions of management: planning, organizing, directing, and controlling. Social responsibilities, political influences, and ethical considerations as they affect the management of organizations. Coverage of international business, production, communications, and decision-making in terms of management activities. Prerequisite: 60 credit hours.

  • 2205-MANA-3319-001-MGT PROCESS THEORY

    Fundamentals of the management process; principles and techniques for all organizations. The basic functions of management: planning, organizing, directing, and controlling. Social responsibilities, political influences, and ethical considerations as they affect the management of organizations. Coverage of international business, production, communications, and decision-making in terms of management activities. Prerequisite: 60 credit hours.

  • 2205-MANA-3320-001-PER/HUM RES MGT

    Process of effective management of human resources and those elements essential to such a process. The objectives of an adequate personnel program. Effective planning, recruitment, selection, training. Employee compensation and the nature of pay and its relative importance. The nature of union-management relationships. The impact of organized labor upon personnel management. Prerequisite: 60 credit hours.


    Practical training in management. Analysis of theory applied to real life situations. May be used as an advanced business elective only; graded on a pass/fail basis. No credit will be given for previous experience or activities. May not be repeated for credit.

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