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    Fundamentals of the management process; principles and techniques for all organizations. The basic functions of management: planning, organizing, directing, and controlling. Social responsibilities, political influences, and ethical considerations as they affect the management of organizations. Coverage of international business, production, communications, and decision-making in terms of management activities. Prerequisite: 60 credit hours.


    Fundamentals of the management process; principles and techniques for all organizations. The basic functions of management: planning, organizing, directing, and controlling. Social responsibilities, political influences, and ethical considerations as they affect the management of organizations. Coverage of international business, production, communications, and decision-making in terms of management activities. Prerequisite: 60 credit hours.


    Process of effective management of human resources and those elements essential to such a process. The objectives of an adequate personnel program. Effective planning, recruitment, selection, training. Employee compensation and the nature of pay and its relative importance. The nature of union-management relationships. The impact of organized labor upon personnel management. Prerequisite: 60 credit hours.

  • 2218-MANA-4320-001-EMPLOYMENT LAW

    An introduction to employment law and labor relations for managers and human resource professionals. Topics include: the nature of the employment relationship, fair labor standards, workplace health and safety, collective bargaining, equal employment opportunity and unlawful discrimination, sexual harassment, and workplace privacy. Prerequisite: 60 credit hours.


    Practical training in management. Analysis of theory applied to real life situations. Course counts as an elective and has a pass/fail grade. No credit will be given for previous experience or activities. Prerequisite: Admission to a College of Business graduate degree program, 9 graduate credit hours, and 3.0 GPA.


    Practical training in management. Analysis of theory applied to real life situations. Course counts as an elective and has a pass/fail grade. No credit will be given for previous experience or activities. Prerequisite: Admission to a College of Business graduate degree program, 9 graduate credit hours, and 3.0 GPA.


    Practical training in management. Analysis of theory applied to real life situations. Course counts as an elective and has a pass/fail grade. No credit will be given for previous experience or activities. Prerequisite: Admission to a College of Business graduate degree program, 9 graduate credit hours, and 3.0 GPA.

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