Tips for UTA Nursing Research Students (All levels)

Important Notes for Nursing Research Students:

1) For Nursing Research courses, it will be helpful to you to choose a question that is very broad to increase the chances of finding articles that meet all of your assignment parameters. The more specific you are, the less likely you are to find articles that meet the criteria in your grading rubric.

2) Think of elements that nurses control because you are utilizing CINAHL Links to an external site. for your assignments which is primarily a nursing database. CINHAL stands for the Cumulative Index for Nursing and Allied Health Literature. To search in another discipline, go to databases a-z Links to an external site. and select the subject from the drop-down menu (shown below) to get to the list of relevant databases. You will need to add the word nurse and its plural forms as synonyms as a keyword and subject heading search to your PICO elements.