How to Succeed in this Course

Getting Started How to Succeed in this Course

Be Present

Be Proactive

  • Attend my office hours or schedule a meeting with me when you need help.
  • Keep up with your readings, assignments, and online quizzes (as applicable). They must be finished by the due date listed in the assignment description or course syllabus.
  • Add reminders to your Canvas Calendar Links to an external site. so you don't fall behind.

Manage Notifications

Communicate Effectively

  • Use my preferred communication method to contact me. This will help make sure you receive a timely response.
  • Practice "Netiquette". Be polite and respectful in your postings (no "Flaming" or posting / sending negative, hurtful comments to others); use good grammar and correct spelling; don't write in all caps (it feels like you're shouting) or exotic fonts (they may not show up on everyone's computer). In short, present your best self! Review the Netiquette Guidelines Links to an external site. for details.

UTA Center for Distance Education. (2024). How to Succeed in this Course. CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Links to an external site. .