Academic Integrity
Getting Started Academic Integrity
UTA's Institutional Policies Links to an external site. describe the UT Arlington Honor Code under the section on Academic Integrity. The information on this page is to help you make sense of our Honor Code and see how it applies to things we'll do in this course.
I pledge, on my honor, to uphold UT Arlington’s tradition of academic integrity, a tradition that values hard work and honest effort in the pursuit of academic excellence.
I promise that I will submit only work that I personally create or contribute to group collaborations, and I will appropriately reference any work from other sources. I will follow the highest standards of integrity and uphold the spirit of the Honor Code.
—UTA Honor Code
By following the UTA Honor Code and by practicing academic integrity, you contribute to a community of learners who value trust, honesty, and fairness.
Here are some examples of how you can uphold the UTA Honor Code in this course. Ask your instructor if you have questions about how the Honor Code applies in specific situations.
- Manage your time effectively to avoid rushing through assignments and resorting to shortcuts.
- Give credit to the original author using the recommended citation style for this course.
- Include in-text citations and a reference list for all of your assignments and projects.
- Use course materials and other sources as a starting point for your own ideas.
- Use resources in this course, talk to your instructor, and/or visit the Writing Center or Library if you are unsure how to cite someone else's ideas appropriately.
- Complete assignments, quizzes, and discussions independently unless otherwise noted.
- Do not share specific details about discussion replies, quizzes, or exams with students who have not yet participated.
- Do not post or share course materials (e.g., assignments, lecture notes, rubrics, readings, videos, and any other course content) on online platforms or websites.
- Ensure you understand all assignment directions before you start, and contact your instructor for clarification if needed.
- Review and self-assess your work to ensure it meets academic integrity standards.
- Use technology tools to check for potential unintentional similarities with external sources.
- Remember that artificial intelligence (AI) can be a helpful tool, but it should never replace genuine learning, critical thinking, or the ethical application of knowledge.
Remember that you're here to learn, and one of the best ways to demonstrate learning is by articulating your ideas (and that can be hard)! Keep in mind that things people write or make (e.g., articles, books, web pages, podcasts, music, art, graphics, databases, etc.) are protected by copyright. Because of this, any information you use must be properly cited so you don't plagiarize or infringe on copyright. The Office of Community Standards Links to an external site. provides information about how academic integrity is enforced at UTA.
Here are some examples of different kinds of assessments your instructor might use in the course and how to maintain academic integrity when completing them.
For the assignments in this course, it is expected that you will...
- Submit work that reflects ideas that are your own.
- Use your own words and express ideas that are your own.
- Properly cite sources to distinguish your own ideas from others.
- Maintain your unique voice when summarizing, paraphrasing, and synthesizing information.
- Only collaborate with others where it is explicitly stated that it's okay to do so.
For the discussions in this course, it is expected that you will...
- Compose your initial posts independently.
- Attribute the source of your information and, where applicable, share the links with the class.
- Be thoughtful and engage with peers' ideas collaboratively, constructively, and kindly.
- Promote an inclusive and positive learning environment.
- Do not share specific details about discussion replies with students who have not yet participated.
- Check and contribute to discussions regularly to demonstrate consistent engagement.
For the quizzes in this course, it is expected that you will...
- Unless otherwise noted, complete quizzes independently, without help or collaboration from others.
- Only refer to and use resources provided in the course.
- Do not share quiz questions and answers with other students.
- Review your responses to ensure accuracy and proper representation of your understanding.
- Only use external tools permitted by the instructor (e.g., calculators, notes, etc.).
Course Projects
For the project in this course, it is expected that you will...
- Properly cite any and all course materials and other resources that you use.
- Create original work that shows your mastery of the topic.
- Conduct thorough research on your topic to develop your content fully.
- Submit all required components, such as supplementary materials and references.
- Use course materials and other sources as a starting point for your own ideas.
Group Projects
For the group projects in this course, it is expected that you will . . .
- Ensure group work is distributed fairly among group members.
- Respect collaboration boundaries and ensure that all contributions are properly acknowledged.
- Maintain open and transparent communication about project progress, challenges, and decisions.
- Seek consensus and make decisions as a group.
- Foster a positive, collaborative, and respectful group dynamic.
- Hold yourselves and each other accountable for ethical behavior throughout the project.
- Properly attribute and cite all sources, ideas, and contributions from both group members and external materials.
For presentations in this course, it is expected that you will . . .
- Develop and present original content that showcases your understanding of the subject matter.
- Practice your presentation to ensure smooth delivery and accurate representation of your knowledge.
- Properly attribute and cite any sources, images, or data used in your presentation.
- Responsibly use visual aids and multimedia, ensuring that they are there to enhance understanding.
- If applicable, respond to questions, provide explanations, and foster discussion about your presentation with your classmates.
UTA Center for Distance Education. (2023). Academic Integrity. CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Links to an external site..