Course Expectations



  1. Check your student email, the course Team, and the course homepage, calendar, announcements, and assignments page several times a week.
  2. Keep up with your readings, assignments, and online quizzes (as applicable). They must be finished by the due date listed in the assignment description.
  3. Participate actively in class discussions and exercises by asking question, responding to questions, and completing in-class assignments.


  1. I will read my email at least daily, but will not necessarily post messages or send out mail daily.
  2. I will respond to general communications (i.e. email) within 1-2 business days. In general, I do not check/respond to emails as frequently during evenings and weekends.
  3. You will receive a grade for most assignments (e.g. exams) immediately upon completion. If they have to be manually graded (usually these are extra credit assignments) please allow 1-2 days.