4.6 | Your Canvas Gradebook
The Gradebook helps instructors easily view and enter grades for students. Depending on the Grade display type, grades for each assignment can be viewed as points, percentage, complete or incomplete, GPA scale, or letter grade.
Only graded assignments, graded discussions, graded quizzes, and graded surveys that have been published display in the Gradebook. Not Graded assignments are not included.
Things that are highlights of the Canvas Gradebook are:
- Easy creation: All students who are enrolled in the course are automatically in the Gradebook
- Easy management: As graded items are created, it automatically creates a column in your Gradebook
- Customizable views: Instructors can sort the Gradebook by a variety of filters, as well as the ability to view one student at a time
Additional tips for using the Gradebook:
- Use the Message Students Who feature in each column to easily communicate with students based on whether or not they submitted the assignment, or students who earned a high or low grade
- Import/Export Grades to CSV to manage Gradebook outside of Canvas
Need more information? Check out this Canvas Guide!