About Your Instructor


Name: Carie Kapellusch (Ka-Pell-Ish) 

Mini Biography:

Carie Kapellusch began her career as a recruiting consultant for several years with an international retained executive search firm.  Leaving the corporate world for academia, her passion is to facilitate knowledge that enables her students to prepare for the "real world" and to take their place as responsible and effective members of the global community.

Currently, Professor Kapellusch is a Lecturer at University of Texas at Arlington, and an Adjunct Professor at Texas Christian University.  Her primary focus is on course design for Business & Professional Communication; however, she has taught courses across the communication continuum, such as: Group Discussion, Advanced Public Speaking, Communication for Career Success, Interviewing, Interpersonal Communication, Training & Development, Professional & Technical Communication for Science and Engineering, Business Presentations, and Fundamentals of Public Speaking.

Utilization of service learning as a major learning initiative has been her passion throughout her teaching career.  As a result she and was selected at University of Texas at Arlington as a Faculty Fellow for Service Learning, and culminating in presenting at a national academic convention on the importance of reflection in service learning.  She regularly gives presentations on interviewing, resume writing, work-life balance, and the importance of various elements in service learning.  In 2017, students voted to award her the Gertrude Golladay Memorial Award for outstanding teaching in the College of Liberal Arts, in additional to being selected for the university’s inaugural professional learning committee focusing on teamwork and experiential learning, Mrs. Kapellusch serves as a faculty affiliate for UTA’s Women & Gender Studies, and has been selected as a Maverick Advantage Faculty Fellow (MAFE) in 2021-2022.


Office Hours:

Tues/Thurs.11-12 & 3:30-4:30


Faculty Profile: https://mentis.uta.edu/explore/profile/carie-kapellusch Links to an external site.